As a third of those over the age of 85 are likely to suffer from one form of dementia or another most of us at some time will have to deal with the consequences of dementia.
Eclipse HomeCare is hosting a number of talks aimed at raising awareness of the issues that family and friends are likely to face when supporting a loved one living with dementia.
Martin Bond’s mother passed away in September 2014, following an eight year battle with vascular dementia. During this period of her life Martin was her primary caregiver, supported by Eclipse HomeCare. He built up a wealth of practical knowledge which he wants to put to good use.
Martin has retired as a teacher and now has the time to share his personal experience in a series of talks with families across Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Shropshire who are currently, or will in time, have to deal with all or some of the issues that come with dementia.
Martin’s talk reveals his personal experience in non technical terms from the early onset of his mother’s dementia all the way through to the final stage. As well as sharing his family’s journey he highlights practical steps that can be taken to help loved ones and signposts third party support.
The talk lasts less than an hour and all are welcome. Please feel free to pass on the invitation below to all parties that may have an interest or email me for further information:
“Living with Dementia – my personal experience”
You are invited to Martin Bond’s talk on Dementia, aimed at
raising awareness, sharing of coping strategies and sign posting of options.
There are a limited number of places at each talk so please make contact to confirm date and location of our next briefing and reserve your seat.
Please pass on this invitation to all parties that may be interested.